Classification of office paper? How to choose?
All our everyday lives are spent at work or school. One way or another, office paper is used by everyone most of the time. And on the weekend
Any work is related to the movement of information. Paper is one of the important ways to record and transfer information, we write letters, print something, copy, fax. A4 paper, like a thousand years ago, most clearly presents information, and to perceive it on paper does not require special devices.
Office paper a4 - this is the past, present and the near future of any office.
As a rule, when choosing a paper, we take into account such indicators as whiteness and density of paper. For example, the quality of printing at high feed speeds, the use of double-sided copying, is very significantly affected by humidity: drier "paper" improves the "welding" of toner and prevents twisting of sheets as the paper passes through the printer. Therefore, if your printer paper is curled, it is most likely not a quality product. And printing on a color printer generally requires special brands of office paper. In addition to a certain humidity, smoothness is an important factor here. This figure should be high enough, but not too high for the ink to hold well on paper.
Ideally, each method of transmitting information requires its own type of paper, with its own characteristics. This approach will increase the service life of office equipment and get the maximum quality for the best money.
Paper classification
Paper has a classification of three types: A, B, C. All other paper, which is not assigned one of these three categories - newspaper.
As mentioned earlier, the most important parameters for A4 office paper are the density and whiteness of the paper.
Density. The higher this value, the higher the chance of paper jams when printing, the less - the more likely the printer is to capture multiple sheets at once. Paper with a density of 80 and, less often, 90 g / m2 is most often used for laser printing.
Linen - the ability of paper to reflect light evenly in all directions. Currently, two standards of linen paper ISO and CIE are used, which causes some confusion when comparing indicators. For example, 94% underwear according to ISO will be equal to 146% underwear according to CEE.
Classes A, B and C of office paper a4
Class C. Linen about 145 CIE. Basic office paper class A great option for those who need to buy A4 office paper cheaply. The main advantage is low cost. Not recommended for inkjet printers.
Class B. Linen about 160 CIE. The best type of paper according to the reviews of our customers in terms of price-quality. Slightly different from Class A paper. Ideal for everyday use.
Class A. Linen from 165 CIE. It has a perfectly smooth surface that provides image clarity. Due to the low porosity and almost zero roughness, nothing is dust and is great for laser and inkjet printers. Opaque, ideal for color and black and white double-sided printing of premium documents.
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